Showing posts with label Warcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warcraft. Show all posts

July 5, 2010

Blizzard release patch 1.24e for Warcraft 3

Whoa.. Blizzard has released another patch for Warcraft 3. This patch will fix some hacks exploits..

Here's the changelog:

  • Fixed an exploit rendering buildings non-interactable ("tower hack").
  • Fixed an exploit allowing a player to bypass a summon ability's cooldown ("summon/cooldown hack").
  • Fixed a client crash related to workers failing to build in an unintended way ("new crash hack").
  • Fixed an exploit allowing the Blood Mages's Phoenix to be resurrected instantly ("phoenix hack").
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to select an invalid matchmaking race  resulting in all the player's units and buildings becoming sheep  ("sheep hack").
Btw, the version number for patch 1.24e is

You can get the patch from Blizzard FTP.

Ice Frog has released DotA 6.67,6.67b! This time it's 6.67c!

Finally, a newer version of DotA has been released by Ice Frog, this map has a PLENTY of changes and bug fixes. (and also new game mode!)

Some notable changes:
  • Added 2 new items, Soul Ring and Ethereal Blade
  • Reworks most of the Hero skills (Huge changes). Must see: Bone Fletcher, Luna, Magnataur (new skill), Nerubian Assassin, Nerubian Weaver (new skill), Terrorblade, Rooftrellen.
  • Added a new mode for observers -zm (-zoommode). It pulls the camera outwards to see more action at the same time. (cool!)
  • Added a new game mode -cp (-capturepoint). Whereas in this game mode, the two opposing team could capture 6 capture points that appeared after 10 minutes in a fixed locations around the map. Once the capture points are created, those areas are permanently visible to both teams for the rest of the game. (read the full changelog for more information about this game mode)
  • New tree place ment (o.o)
  • Fixed some bugs